February 16, 2025, is World Whale Day. In honor of the 77 incredible different whale species who inhabit our oceans, I thought I would share a bit of whale trivia with you.

Here are a few facts about these magnificent creatures.

Super-Size: The blue whale is the largest animal ever known to have existed, surpassing even the largest dinosaurs. An adult blue whale can reach over 100 feet in length (the length of three school buses) and weigh as much as 200 tons (comparable to 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex, or 100 cars).

A Big Heart and a Big Penis: A blue whale’s heart weighs 400-500 pounds, roughly the size of a small car. and it can be as large as 5 feet in length. The blue whale’s penis can measure up to 10 feet in length, and it can weigh around 150 pounds.

Gigantic Eyes: The blue whale’s eyes are about the size of a basketball.

Gentle Giants: Despite their immense size, most whale species are peaceful and non-aggressive toward humans.

Whale Songs: Humpback whales are famous for their songs, which can last for up to 20 minutes and can be heard over hundreds of miles. They use these songs to communicate and possibly to attract mates.

Whale Migrations: Some species, like the gray whale, migrate up to 12,000 miles annually, traveling between their feeding grounds in colder waters and breeding grounds in warmer waters.

Breathing Through Blowholes: Whales are mammals. They breathe through blowholes located on top of their heads.

Social Creatures: Orcas, also known as killer whales, live in complex social groups called pods, which can range from just a few to over 40 whales. They have strong family bonds and each pod can develop regional dialects.

Immense Stomachs: A blue whale’s stomach is so large that it can hold 1,000 pounds of food at once. They primarily eat krill and other small marine organisms.

Lifespan: Whales can live for a long time. Bowhead whales can live over 200 years, making them one of the longest-living mammals on Earth.